With this program you will solve all the essential commercial tasks of your office. During the development we addressed the following users:
Therefore, following functions were implemented:
Of course, all functions are optimally integrated, so that no doubles-entries are necessary. And if you have data from another application (e.g. Web-Shop), you are able to import them.
The accounting is in each company a very sensitive part. On the one side, it must fulfill legal conditions. On the other hand, an accounting program should be very easy to use. A big advantage is that my wife works for some clients (§6 Nr. 3 + 4 StBerG), so you get the best of both sides.
The switch to another program takes much time. So it is very important, that you can use the new program for a long time. Because our program is highly configurable by the user (account structure, tax keys…), you can use it without updates for a long time. Nevertheless we offer regularly updates (usually free of charge).
With version 25.1 we realized the following features:
We also corrected all known errors and optimized the usage.
With the download, you accept the following conditions. This applies to the unregistered version, too.
You can download Mac-HaBu, Win-HaBu and Lin-HaBu and start accounting.
Notes to above versions:
This software is Shareware. It may be copied and used by everyone. However, copy always the original version, together with this documentation.
You can use this program 60 days without registration. Without registration, the access to the database is locked after this period. Only with the registration, the access will be unlocked. During the test phase you can use the complete program, without the export functions.
You can pay the registration fee with a bank transfer to our account:
Volksbank Darmstadt Mainz
Inhaber: Claudia und Manfred Richter
IBAN: DE51551900000055240014
The description on a bank transfer is often truncated. Therefore it is necessary to send the address information (Mail or postal address) additionally (by Mail).
As an alternative, you can use PayPal for payment. But write also an email, please.
After receiving the money, you get a Mail with the code for the registration.
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